Saturday, October 15, 2011

so many things happened

dear bloggers.

it's been so long that i'm out of this side of world.
i know it's not so important, but i wanted to tell you about this..
(that's the point of owning the blog, isn't it?)

as you know, i'm taken with someone.

someone that i adore
began with the extracurricular activities..
which is i didn't expect for more, before..

now i'm so damn glad that i found him,
he's artsy.
he's my type.
and he understands me.
no matter what i'm gonna be. and that is the most important thing.
Crazy Emoticons

there is ONE THING
that i couldn't forget.
Crazy Emoticons

yeah it is.
don't have to describe it continuously.

i was just thinking...
how about your feeling is..
when you heard about it..............................................................
when you saw us both................................................................
when you hold the things that would remind you about me...........
are you hurt? i bet everything i have the answer is yes.
not because i'm over-confident,
it's because i may feel the same way
surely i'm not gonna be surprised if you don't wanna to see me anymore.
of what i've done and i haven't done.
the miss-communication, especially.

you know what?
i thought you've been together with someone else, too.
then i know it's truly false
Crazy Emoticons
lightly i hope it'll be true.

for your information,

i'm STILL remembering you.
yeah sure, i mean, how can i forget you? Crazy Emoticons

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