Saturday, November 29, 2014


Jauh sebelum isu global warming ada.
Indonesia kan udah panas tuh
Kan udah dari dulu di khatulistiwa tuh
Jelas banyak sinar mataharinya per tiap taunnya tuh

Kenapa ga dari dulu ngembangin tenaga surya aja?
Panel surya gitu dibanyakin?
Kenapa sampe sekarang masih jarang yang pake?

Coba kalo udah dari dulu.
Mungkin indonesia udah kaya banget..sekaya sinar matahari yang didapetinnya.
Subway, monorail dkk udah ada..pake tenaga listrik dari kumpulan panel suryanya..kayak di film transcendence gitu. Kendaraan mungkin juga udah pada hybrid semua ga ngeluarin polusi.

Ga perlu deh apa apanya tergantung sama bbm. Harga pada naek. Pada protes. Giliran harga rokok apa yang ga berguna lainnya naik pada ga protes tetep aja beli.

Ga perlu juga tergantung sama perusahaan asing macam freeport ato apalah yang ngeksploitasi negeri sendiri. Ga malu apa? Lebih parah dari jaman penjajahan..malah jadi jaman pembodohan.
Kita sama-sama pekok emang tapi jangan mau terus dipekokin, pekok!

Ini mengingat kembali hasil obrolan sama duta pas lagi main di solo..jadi heavy thoughts gini di benak, enaknya ditulis biar ga cuma menuh-menuhin pikiran yang kebanyakan mikirin tugasgasgas gagaso~

*berasa penting padahal asal ngomong ini apaan sih bodo amat blog blog gue terserah opini gue kalo salah ya maap kalo ada benernya ya syukur*

The last grey shade, I hope.

Am I such a hypocrite?
Well I guess you could just say so.
You can tell that you're right from the very beginning.

But trust me you would shed tears if you knew about my past.
But you don't really have to know about any of it anyway.

"Anyone is afraid of something that they don't understand"

So I would give you some clues.
If that will be necessary.
You will keep reading this.

I really had the urge for everything.
Every single thing.
But I know it would be wrong.
So wrong you won't realize until you believe it's the truth but it will be too late for you to get out of it.
Then I'll be here earlier to save you from that suffering.
Even though that you suffered already.
I want to save you from the deepest regret that will fulfill one part of yours that wouldn't be safe later.
I know this is not the right way, but I also didn't want to disappoint you from the beginning.
I also wanted to give it a chance.
Then we did.

So now please take a comfort distance if you don't want to be hurt.

I also never ever want to hurt you, or anybody.

For you, yeah you.

Let's be better from now on.

At least we're gonna try.
Aren't we?

Friday, November 7, 2014


i see ropes.
i see other people's ropes.
i see a rope that probably belongs to me.
but every single time i try to reach it
i don't know whether what to do with it
standing on it
hanging on it
too scared that i would break it
throw it away
pulled it back
too confused to choose what to do

 i'm such a hypocrite yes i know so stay away from me if you do not want to see the real me, if you aren't ready to face me dammit.
do not just say oh ok let's see what you got then judge about my weirdness behind my back.

it sucks to feel that way, you know.